Trey Morris, owner of Morris Crop Marketing LLC, discusses farmer marketing strategies. Trey is a crop marketing expert, and his company provides crop marketing services focused on the Delta.
Fryar Center Podcast
Podcast Categories
Media Contact
Mary Hightower
U of A System Division of Agriculture
(501) 671-2006 |
Ep. 26 Perspectives on Farmer Marketing
Jason Wheeler and Roger Gattis discuss their thoughts with Andy McKenzie on farmer marketing strategies.
Ep. 25 Crop Markets and Risk Management Considerations
John Anderson and Aaron Smith (University of Tennessee) discuss the crop market situation and outlook along with seasonal market risk factors.
Ep 24. Prevented Planting Provisions in the Federal Crop Insurance Program
Hunter Biram joins John Anderson to discuss what producers need to know about prevented planting coverage in crop insurance products.
Ep 23. Crop Market Update and Pre-Harvest Risk Management Considerations
John Anderson and Aaron Smith (University of Tennessee Associate Professor and Extension Specialist) discuss factors affecting corn, soybean, and cotton markets this summer and look ahead to risk management challenges as harvest time approaches.
Ep 22. Do Large Export Sales Reports Move Futures Prices?
John Anderson and Andy McKenzie talk about information in government reports that change market expectations and drive futures prices. Andy discusses some of his most recent research on the topic, which investigates if large export sales of US grains to China impact futures prices.
Ep. 21 How Policy Influences Risk to Agricultural Production
Andrew McKenzie, Trey Malone, and Aleks Schaefer discuss about research on public policy impacts on agricultural risks.
Ep. 20 Jason Wheeler of White Commercial Corporation Talks about Basis Trading
Andrew McKenzie, John Anderson, and Jason Wheeler discuss the fundamentals of grain marketing, including the role of grain elevators in the grain supply chain.
Ep. 19 Arkansas Crop Insurance Prices and High Risk Rates
John Anderson, Andrew McKenzie, and Hunter Biram discuss crop insurance issues including current price guarantees on Arkansas row crops and rate adjustments on RMA-designated higher-risk areas.
Ep. 18 Highly-Pathogenic Avian Influenza Impacts on Egg Markets
Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness Department faculty members with the University of Arkansas System, Jada Thompson and John Anderson, discuss the ongoing highly-pathogenic avian influenza outbreak and its impact on egg prices.
Ep. 17 Review of 2022 Commodity Markets
John Anderson, Andy McKenzie, James Mitchell, and Hunter Biram review the major events and issues affecting markets for Arkansas commodities in 2022 and look ahead to prospects for 2023,
Ep. 16 Price Risk Management in the Dairy Industry
John Anderson and Andy McKenzie are joined by Rachel Barry, risk management specialist with Dairy Farmers of America and alumnae of the agricultural economics and agribusiness department, to discuss risk management tools and challenges in the dairy sector.
Ep. 15 – James McWard of Viserion Grain, LLC Talks Grain Merchandising and the Mississippi River Market
James McWard talks about his grain merchandising career experiences with Viserion Grain, LLC. In particular he discusses the marketing challenges brought about by the record low 2022 water levels on the Mississippi River.
Ep. 14 – Discussion of Commodity Marketing & Risk Management Research Topics with Joe Janzen, University of Illinois
John Anderson and Andy McKenzie discuss current research on a variety of commodity and risk management topics with Joe Janzen.
Ep. 13 Mississippi River Transport Disruptions and Commodity Market Impacts
John Anderson, Andy McKenzie, and Hunter Biram discuss the impact of reduced Mississippi River barge traffic on Arkansas grain markets.
Ep. 12 Margin Protection Insurance for Rice
Director of the Fryar Center John Anderson sat down with Assistant Professor and Extension Agricultural Economist Hunter Biram to discuss a relatively new crop insurance product on the market — margin protection insurance for rice.
Ep. 11 Long-term Impacts of the 2022 Drought on the Cattle Market
John Anderson and James Mitchell discuss the impact of the 2022 drought on the U.S. cattle herd and how it is likely to affect the cattle market in coming years.
Ep. 10 Market Impacts of the Acreage Report and Update on Crop Progress
John Anderson and Scott Stiles discuss the market reaction to the June 30 Acreage report and its implications for the 2022 crop. Their conversation also touches…
Ep. 9 Risk Management Challenges in Value-Added Agriculture
John Anderson and Trey Malone, a new faculty member in AEAB, discuss the unique risk management challenges facing producers entering into value-added agricultural enterprises.
Ep. 8 Impacts of the Current Highly-Pathogenic Avian Influenza Outbreak
John Anderson, Andrew McKenzie, and James Mitchell with the UADA and Jada Thompson with the University of Tennessee discuss the farm- and market-level impacts…
Ep. 7 Arkansas Crop Market Update
John Anderson, Andrew McKenzie, and Scott Stiles – economists with UADA– discuss the current market situation for Arkansas’ major commercial row crops.
Ep. 6 Forage Risk Management
John, James (University of Arkansas), and Josh (Mississippi State University) discuss crop insurance instruments available to help livestock…
Ep. 5 Commodity Market Implications of the Russia/Ukraine Conflict
John Anderson, Andy McKenzie, Alvaro Durand-Morat and James Mitchell explore potential agricultural market implications of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Ep. 4 Managing Input Costs for the 2022 Crop: Fertilizer (w/ Ark. Row Crops Radio)
John Anderson and Mike Popp from the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness are joined by Trent Roberts, UADA soil fertility specialist…
Ep. 3 Applied Risk Management in the Poultry Industry
John Anderson and Andy McKenzie with the Fryar Price Risk Management Center talk with Ed Fryar, founder of the Center, about his experience with risk
Media Contact
Mary Hightower
U of A System Division of Agriculture
(501) 671-2006 |